How to Spend New Year's Eve Releasing Lanterns in Chiang Mai, Thailand (Video included)
/New Years Eve in Thailand
New Years Eve Floating Lanterns in Chiang Mai, Thailand
We went to the RISE festival outside of Vegas a few years ago, lighting lanterns then floating them into the night sky. However, in Chiang Mai on New Year’s Eve, they take it to another level! It was really hard to find any information on where people were gathering or where to go to see the lanterns since they have a bigger lantern festival in November, so here is everything you need to know!
Don’t forget to check out our video towards the bottom of the post! :)
Tha Phae Gate Ancient City
Not only is it a party in the streets, but lanterns are released everywhere ALL night long!
After our long day with the elephants at the Elephant Nature Park Sanctuary, we took a nap to gear up for NYE! As I woke up around 7p the sun had set and lanterns were floating in the air! We stayed at the De Chai The Colonial Hotel and could start to see some lanterns in the distance, but needed to get in the action!
We made our way from our hotel to the Tha Phae Ancient City gate where we found a mob of people. On the other side of the gate, there was a street fair full of vendors selling food and other merchant goodies.
Filled with wall to wall people and completely overcrowded, Rachadamnoen Road was completely shut down, packed like a fish swimming upstream!
Rachadamnoen Road New Years
Rachadamnoen Road Vendors Glass blowing
Vendors sold all sorts of things: shirts, wallets, tchotchkes, food, jewelry, wood carved animals, you name it - they had it!
I couldn't stomach the street food and we ended up going to another restaurant near-by where we could watch the lanterns sail by.
Rachadamnoen Road Street Food
WHERE TO GET A LANTERN - Lanterns were typically found in packs at random vendor carts, but we found a truck parked in an alley (it wasn’t as creepy as it sounds), that was selling lanterns 3 for 100 Baht.
PRO-TIP: A lighter is key! We bought one at a nearby 7-Eleven and glad we did, everyone was asking to borrow ours!
The Tha Phae Gate (ancient city gate) has the largest gathering of people who are setting off lanterns all over the place! We found a spot around 11:30pm and did a test lantern to make sure we would be pros by midnight!
Catching lanterns
As beautiful as they are, these lanterns are fueled by fire and can be dangerous. Be aware of your surroundings as so many people released them too soon, like this one that we caught (Yes, I am wearing elephant pants that I bought for $2!). Many lanterns ended up in trees and I am so glad nothing caught on fire or anyone got hurt.
Lanterns in trees
By the time midnight rolled around, we were ready to go. After you ignite the fuel bar, it takes about 3-5 minutes for these things to fill with air to take flight, we advise lighting around 11:55p to be ready by midnight!
New Years Countdown
The New Year countdown began... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...
Lanterns light up Chiang Mai
Chiang Mai New Year’s Eve VIDEO:
See more videos in our Chiang Mai Story on Instagram
Amongst these beautiful lanterns, fireworks started to shoot off. I was officially in a Disney movie and the lost princess was saved (that is a Tangled reference with Rapunzel if you didn't catch that)!
Chiang Mai New Years Eve Lanterns and Fireworks
This night was truly breathtaking and one I'll never forget!
Like I said in the beginning, it was really hard to find info for Chiang Mai on New Year’s Eve. Leave a comment below if you have ANY questions!
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